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Series1_2 : "Treated like animals or worse?"

By Aanchal Gupta

Series1_2 : "Treated like animals or worse?"
Series1_2 : "Treated like animals or worse?"

Caption For Artwork (Description About Artwork): Let's not forget the animal metaphors used for women. When men are compared with animals we use phrases like Bull and cheetah to glorify the power and dominance of men. While women showing the same traits are called bitch. Though some of us have had the privilege of being born in egalitarian societies (or we think we are in one), there exist places where male dominance is at its worst and females continue to live in inhumane conditions. This doesn't rule out the fact that all of us have been through its some form at some point in our lives . It's difficult to feel unnatural about this since we have been conditioned like this but let's ask this question: Have women finally found the space to walk alongside men or are we still chained like the animals are ?

Medium Used : Acrylics and Soft pastels on canvas

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