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Soul Consciousness – The Key To A Blissful Life

By Dhvani Patel

Soul Consciousness – The Key To A Blissful Life
Soul Consciousness – The Key To A Blissful Life

Caption For Artwork (Description About Artwork): Size: 48” x 24” (Inches)

Medium: Oil and acrylic on canvas

God said - 'Realize the Self first'. Without that, everything is groundless. "The Self" is not this physical body, but an eternal consciousness which resides in this body to experience life. Life exists as a result of a union of Soul and body. When a soul enters the mother's womb, the process of creation of the body starts. The organs of the body are controlled by the soul through the faculty of 'brain'. The Soul is not a physical light, but a light of conscious energy, the fundamental being of experience.

This painting features a huge feminine human body that comprises of five ladylike figures which evinces the five Subtle Elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space that frame the premise for all things found in the material creation.While the gleaming feminine shape ahead of the main figure is the soul ~ a divine energy within this body that runs and controls this body. The Soul has seven innate qualities inherited from the Supreme soul (God). They are Bliss, Peace, Love, Purity, Knowledge, Power and Joy which have been portrayed in the form of Mandala, Bird, Maple leaf, Lotus, Light, Hand and flower respectively.

Since our birth, we depend on our senses to feel and realize individual thing around us and experience God through various mediums and ways, but as the years pass by we surrender ourselves to materialistic needs thus we tend to lose focus; the inner conscience remains unawakened. Awakening is nothing but a flow that is effervescent, no one can restrain it; it is an openness that keeps moving. We groom ourselves externally as well as take care of our health internally. But taking care of ourselves includes empowering our soul with its innate qualities that leads to a fruitful life.When in soul-consciousness, the original qualities of a soul (peace, purity, love, bliss) naturally emerges. The soul is not dependent on external (physical) things for peace and happiness. Vices are the reason for experiencing sorrow or peaceless-ness.

We, all human beings are blessed with purest soul, the moment we learn to achieve celestial gleam our inner self reaches redemption; realizing this state of paramount bliss of unity with divinity.The time an individual realizes the ultimate truth of serenity he reaches to the state of awakening. Thus, it is now a message of God and it is time to awaken.

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